On a cold winter night there are few dishes that leave me so happily sated as roasted duck. . .and no country does duck like the Czech Republic. And in NYC the place to get your Czech duck is Astoria (Queens) at a restaurant named Koliba. Koliba which means "small shepherds hut" has been around for fifteen years. I was there the first week they opened and I proud to say I have been a faithful patron ever since.  It remains one of my favorite ethnic restaurant in the city.

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Koliba of course serves other dishes besides the roasted duck, including the Czeck andSlovak classics as: Pork Schnitzel, Boiled Beef with Dill Sauce, and Potato Spaetzle with sauerkraut and bacon . . . but today, I focus only on my love of the Roasted Duck. On the menu it is described as "1/2 Roasted Duck with Red Cabbage or Sauerkraut". (I prefer the red cabbage, but sometimes I get half red cabbage, half sauerkraut as seen in the photo.) Dumplings come with the entree. These are not delicate one-two bite dumplings,but a dumpling the size of a bagel with a sponge like texture. (The photo shows them positioned above the plate.)

Koliba takes on the feeling of a part hunting lodge, part Czech Folk Art Museum.  The restaurant is spacious with large handsome wood tables. There is a TV always on without sound in lieu of  Czech music.  At least two-thirds of the diners are usually  Czech or Slovak nationals which only adds to the authenticity of Koliba. 

Koliba's off white walls are adorned with Czech national costumes, ceramic plates, ceremonial axes, dolls, and a healthy collection of stuffed animals and pelts which include: a pheasant, deer's skull, a set of antlers, a goat pelt, and a menacing snarling wild boar.

Along with being famous for their roasted duck, the Czech Republic is equally famous for their high-quality beers. On tap at the restaurant  are the following; Pilsner Urquel, Brovczec, Krusovice, and my personal favorite Strapramen.

Crazy about the dish so much one last parting shot . . . close up of the roasted duck.

Czech Republic Interesting Fact -  Reporters Without Borders ranked the Czech Republic number 5 out of 168 countries for freedom of the press.

Czech language - "Hello" (dobry den)  "Thank you" (dekuji)  "Delicious" (lahodny)

Address - 31-11 23rd Avenue Astoria (Queens)  (718) 626 - 0430